New Era in the Gambling Industry

Have you at any point visited the internet betting business sector? The internet betting business sector is evaluated to achieve billions of USD and assessments will keep on increasing.

URunIt is a 100% betting stage overseen by the network, this is the primary betting stage. Here are a few highlights and points of interest and reasons why we should purchase URUN Token.

URunIt Feature

  1. The player can have the amusement and get benefits amid the rent. He can pitch this privilege to different players. Players can utilize this perfectly fine wager or purchase in for a few recreations. 
  2. Every client can make their very own amusements and give them access to companions and colleagues through welcome. 
  3. Players can pitch their positions to different players, players can likewise utilize their positions as wagers or purchase for a few recreations 
  4. Jackpot: 70% of all URUN tokens gathered will be utilized in day by day, week by week and month to month big stake pictures. Each player who stores a specific number of URS tokens to his record or has a specific rating is qualified for the big stake.

Platform Components

For what reason do you need to purchase URUN tokens?

  1. Limited Offer - URUN Smart Contract through a decentralized blockchain convention guarantees that exclusive a specific number of URU tokens will be issued amid the ICO.
  2. Constant Request for Tokens - URUN Tokens are expected to utilize the U Run It stage, yet the quantity of tokens available for use will keep on decreasing. URUN tokens are utilized as "fuel" for all exchanges on the stage, and with every exchange, few tokens are "singed" (they are removed from dissemination).
  3. Jackpot Image - Each token holder can partake in our every day, week after week and month to month bonanza pictures. 70% of all tokens gathered by the stage will be utilized for bonanza pictures
  4. Compliance with Regulations - URunIt has gotten proficient counsel from the best legal advisors who spend significant time in the control of digital money back. URunIt tokens are clearly utility tokens, not security.
  5. Technical Advantage - Not just do software engineers build up our URUN shrewd contracts, have over 3 long stretches of involvement in blockchain arrangements, yet additionally the high caliber and security of this brilliant contract has been affirmed by a specialized review did by the best experts in blockchain security.

ICO Detail
PreIco Time

  • Start 2018-05-15
  • End 2018-08-15


  • Start 201-08-09
  • End 2018-10-15

Token Information

Token Sales Schedule



More Information Visit The URunIt Link:




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