
ICO Best Financial Project Greetings to all. Today I want to tell you about a very interesting project blockchain. The project is very difficult and involves a very interesting topic. The project is called "Perpetual Belief". This project is not too simple. With the main objective to invest in the future. To understand what's being offered "the immortal Belief", we need to unpack the concept of trust. What is it's "trust you". Trust me on the tools that we use to protect our assets from creditors. The major difference is that he believed all laws, and a foundation based on civil law. So, what's a Trust. In other words, it is the trust's property "you do not have to register" in order to be effective. This agreement between the founders and Trustees. This is a relationship in which the property is placed at the disposal of the founder trustee, Manager or trustee. Beneficiaries "beneficiary's" receive income ...